Who am I: I am Krystal, born in Melbourne and raised with the music full blast, lots of laughter and a movie always on. Now, living in my own home with my husband, 3 children and our puppy Alfred, where the music is always on and laughter is our preferred language.
People always ask me how I got into interiors and content creation and I can honestly say, it came to me organically and I am so thankful that this is what I get to call my "job."
I feel like I've always had a creative flame burning away inside and I'd like to thank my mum for repainting the walls in our house every month... and the way I hung those Jonathon Taylor Thomas posters in my room, surely meant I was destined to create.
House Of Harvee was born from my love for styling and taking pictures of my home and sharing it with you, my beautiful audience. It brings me so much joy to be able to share my world with you and hopefully make you smile and inspire you to add colour to your own homes and music to your lives.. :)
I love you, you are worthy and you are enough... Thank you for being here.